How can i delete the links that posted on my status?it bothers my im to frends.pls help me delete that?
Let’s learn how can i delete the links that posted on my status?it bothers my im to frends.pls help me delete that. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.
There are ten answers to this question.
Best solution
this links that posted on my status is automatically signing in into my status with out signing it and its sending my IM to my freinds online with out my knowledge..plz help me delete this links to my status
Delete messenger and reinstall it.You have spam on your messenger.By doing this it will not delete your...
flo p at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
Other solutions
i need to delete an entry to a blog, but i posted it under an email address that i discontinued, and i no longer remember the password!!! what do i do?? i posted this entry back in 2001. help!!!!
I suppose it depends on who is hosting the blog and just how easy they are to convince that you are...
shireen k at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
i posted bulltein yesterdaythat was not suppose to b posted is there any way i can delete it PLZ NEED HELP QUICK!!!!!!!
of course, you click on your bulliten scroll to the bottom, and look to the bottom right of the bulliten...
OS4KXXIUJ2SHYZI4GREOWJWAPU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
when i tgry to delete a email it wont delete the email for me thanks
I have had that happen before,, i had to do a system restore to make it work again,, Just go to start...
Jimmy H at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
I posted the message myself but was not a member at the time. I have since become a member using the same yahoo ID. Still no delete option. I have emailed the group owner and asked him to do it, but I am not sure whether he can or will do it. Is it easy...
I'm not sure that you would be able to delete it once you did become a member, since you weren't a member...
desperately need help at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
how can i delete my old posted question?
You can only delete questions that you asked, and you can only do that while they are still 'open'....
bb at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
i need to delete some pics from my pictures section but i cant see how you delete them, can nayone out there help? thank you in advance. GED.
The others are correct in that you have to delete the email. This is the easiest way I know how CLASSIC...
E466SXBB25NLWQH7AOBZK6LNQQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
then i delete everthing, passwords, cookies etc they all seem to go, but when i click on arrow to right of address bar at top all my history still there. but my passwords etc have more
These are all good tips to clear internet history, but for future reference, IE has a great new feature...
JDTNIEBOZ2OWREYIIYKB2GYBNE at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
there is a adult contact that i put on my IM and i tried to delete it and it still comes back when i reboot my IM
jadded00... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
and it wont work they are still deleting them from my itunes thing... how do i delete the songs??
you can create a new playlist and sync that playlist onto your ipod and they will be your new songs.
PYI6CA2XDQUOCPLGNBVK6UVSTY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo
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