How to grow coffee?

Let’s learn how to grow coffee. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by

There are ten answers to this question.

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Coffee Growing at Home Growing a coffee plant at home is a rewarding experience that will help you learn...

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How long does it take to grow coffee to sell?

i want to start a coffee company..and looking into what it takes to plant grow and sell coffee to locals.


In most cases will take a coffee cherry two to six months to germinate, depending on how fresh it is...

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marie at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Can we grow coffee in the UK?

I live in London and love trying new blends of coffee. However, all the 'best' coffee seems to come from beans shipped over from Central American, Asian and South American territories. Given the warm and wet British weather - could we start growing our...


In the 600 or so years of coffee bean cultivation, it has been well established that coffee can only...

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Peter Baskerville at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo


Decaf coffee is usually made with from green coffee beans. Green ones are nearly always caffeine free...

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Courtney B. at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


The price of a single coffee bean is about $.01 cents at most places. You can sometimes get more seeds...

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo


There is nothing else you can do to make the coffee grow faster.

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

I want to grow a Coffee bean Plant?

I would like to start a coffee bean plant from coffee beans. However, all of my attempts have failed. Does anyone have suggestion about how to successfully start a starter plant? Any help would be appreciated.


You need a fresh, raw, coffee been seed. If there is an arboretum anywhere around you with a green house...

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Arianna at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

For my science project: Gave plants different liquids. Why did the coffee and herbal tea plants grow so big?

Plants were given: water, black coffee, herbal tea, apple juice and sprite. Plants given water obviously grew best, then coffee and then herbal tea. Why?


Coffee has nitrogen in it and also very small amounts of phosphoric acid and potash. These are some...

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RO32ZKIR4MY3FI3RLXH2GZB5U4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Cheap place to buy Arabica Coffee Bean Plant -4 pot- Grow & Brew Your Own

Where can I find a great deal online for Arabica Coffee Bean Plant -4 pot- Grow & Brew Your Own


Cheapest place to buy Arabica Coffee Bean Plant -4 pot- Grow & Brew Your Own is Amazon. SURGEON...

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Webhunter at Amazon Askville Mark as irrelevant Undo

Are there any coupon codes for Arabica Coffee Bean Plant -4 pot- Grow & Brew Your Own

Where can I find a coupon code for Arabica Coffee Bean Plant -4 pot- Grow & Brew Your Own

Answer: needs no coupon codes for Arabica Coffee Bean Plant -4 pot- Grow & Brew Your Own; Arabica...

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Librarian50 at Amazon Askville Mark as irrelevant Undo

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