I want to go into school swimming carnivals, but I think I'm too old.

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There are ten answers to this question.

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I want to go into school swimming carnivals, but I think I'm too old?

Well I have started swimming when I was 5. I did win races(and 2nd places) until I was 10. When I was 10, that was when I stopped competeting and started to gain weight. I began to get lazy, but now this year I want to swim. However, my school always has the swimming competition early in the year, and I've missed it (due to an overseas trip). I really want to compete again, but until then, that will have to wait till next year. I haven't swum in around 6 years(turning 16), and I'm not overwieght...


Nah, you're not too old but, you do need coaching as swimming is the only sport in which you cannot...

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Stoika at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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A friend of mine did this and she regrets not having waited so badly. Now she has lost custody of her...

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andrea m at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


Emory, Georgia Tech or Georgia State. Agnes Scott is a small women's college (1,000 students -/+) and...

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dance_mu... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do I tell my parents that I want to go back to my old school?

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How about writing them a letter and giving it to them when you're away? Sometimes doing that will cause...

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neon at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Im a 17 year old guy, i am worred about my school work and my life, I think I am gay, im scared & I feel down?

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You have a lot going on, a lot of it unrelated, but it all piles up. First off, so what if you are gay...

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Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Swimming+Diving=OMG NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

ummmmmmmmmmmm... ok, this may seem really stupid, and trust me, if you think that, that is totally ok, because i personally think the same thing myself. Ok.. sooooo..... i cant dive. im almost 14 years old, and idk how to dive. im not afraid of swimming...


Hey I'm Charly. I'm same age! I only learnt how to dive 6 months ago because I figured it would be helpful...

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LuLu at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I think Im depressed but I dont want to go to the doctors?

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You are suffering depression so please don't feel stupid, go and see the doctor, you know you are not...

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Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How did your house cheer at school go when you were at sports days and swimming carnivals and such?

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We had "houses", but not cheer at our school.

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fulfill at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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