My msn shows some people online when they are actually offline.

Let’s learn my msn shows some people online when they are actually offline. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by

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Why does my msn show contacts offline when they are ...

Why does my msn show contacts offline when they are actually ... my msn show contacts offline when they ... My msn shows some people online when they ...

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You probably have it set to "appear offline". Change your status.

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CNZFC6TBXRJWE5XJ5X5UNUNJ2A at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

On msn, why does it always show me as offline? (im not on appear offline)?

k, when i am on msn, people dont know that i am online, because msn shows me as offline, i dont know why and how do i fix this? and no i am not on appear offline.


There is issues now but you can try : Appearing Offline in MSN? Appearing Offline in MSN, 2010-3-23...

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joel at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

MSN says all my contacts are offline.?

Okay so, my MSN does this every now and again. Not too often but at the moment its bugging me. When I sign on, my MSN shows that no contacts are online. When they are, because I can ask a various number of people if they're online and they say yes. To...


try un-installing the one you currently have and reuploading it again

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Phancy at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

MSN is showing me as offline when I am actually online, however, my iPod shows me as online! Help!!?

My computer, which runs Windows Live Messenger, is showing me to my contacts as being offline, when I am really online, and have made sure that I am not "appearing offline". I KNOW I AM SUPPOSED TO APPEAR AS ONLINE. But it will not change my...


Well, I know that there is a feature that allows you to sign in as an 'offline' user, meaning you appear...

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Ana B at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

When your friend shows herself "offline" on msn?10 POINTS WITH 5 STARS.?

You have found your friend,who you had arguments with her 5 years ago, on the internet. But althought it, you added her to msn, you started to talk to her for an hour on msn and firstly she could NOT REMEMBER you, then she could remember you and said...


i'd feel hurt, i'd just move on, yes its rude, but i guess your friend just doesn;t want to talk to...

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Shelby at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

My MSN shows me as offline?

My MSN shows me as offline, even though I've changed my status to online. I've uninstalled it, re loaded it, and tried repairing it from the control panel's more


Got the same problem and seeing others on Y! Answers with it too. Seems it's MSN's server and we just...

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YY5MMSLJNZ2RWANAWLTBCIHIYU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

On msn if im appearing offline, can people see what im listening to?

because when your appearing offline on the msn box it still changes, but ive heard if your appearing offline only you can see what your listening to


no if they could they'd know you were actually online

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D2OCI4RK27J3AO7PTPEISKKOPU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do i remove the offline people on msn? i have 2 sections on msn and to see the people who are online on the 2nd group, i have to scroll far down past the offline people on the 1st group. how can i remove them?


You can filter them by going to the Contacts on your menu, then down to "Filter contacts"...

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Melina at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Do people get an alert or something when i sign in as appear offline on msn?

I was wondering if there is a new program or something that makes people see you while appearing offline or if they get an alert if you sign in as appear offline??? there are times more


No, there is no alert and they cannot see you , don't worry!!

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LU5ZCYDQOZ7R3NYPIJDTV4WBHM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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