What are some good techno/electronic and or Indie bands?

Let’s learn what are some good techno/electronic and or Indie bands. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What are some good indie techno songs and bands?

I really like indie techno. Bands like MGMT and Empire of the Sun and songs like Sleepy Head by Passion Pit. What are some good indie techno songs and bands?


I love all of those bands and songs! I read your question and had to do a double-take because I thought...

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SRQRQTKK5JRDDWJFF2YHNM7REY at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Can you recommend some good indie/alternative bands?

I've been getting into a lot of indie rock in the past few months and am looking for some new good bands/artists to listen to. Here's a list of indie bands that i'm already into, so maybe suggest some bands similar to these: Animal Collective (New favourite...


Alice Sweet Alice http://www.facebook.com/alicesweetalice http://www.alicsweetalice.com

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WeenFan96 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Any new/Indie hard rock bands worth looking at?

In terms of mainstream rock I rather like bands who carry on that Guns n Roses vibe with catchy riffs and creative solos like Velvet revolver (Though I know they aren't well liked) and Avenged Sevenfold. I have been searching really hard for some indie...


Well there are some, but sadly, they are few and far between. A lot of the old bands are still producing...

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Chris at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Good Indie bands?

I'm looking for some more Indie bands (Indie Rock and Indie Pop) to listen to. There isn't any around my area so that's out of the question. Here's some stuff I like: ...show more


the elected... metric... the good life (tim from cursive's other band)... moldy peaches... say hi to...

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NFUIILP3Z4INQPUU4DIMHGNXYU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What good indie Bands out there have really good lyrics also?

It seems like alot of good indie bands out there have real good music but their lyrics dont make sense and arent heartfelt... what good indie rock bands have great sounding music and good lyrics as well


I agree on the difficult to understand part but when you figure out the meaning behind them, you will...

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Evan at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are some good indie bands?

i love indie rock bands but i need some new indie bands..any ideas?


These guys Rock. They also put on a really good show.

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Alice M at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are some good Spanish language alternative and indie bands?

I am looking for INDIE and ALTERNATIVE. Not anything remotely poppy or popular. As far as English-language bands I like things like Radiohead, The xx, Arcade Fire, Mew, Crystal Castles, Death Cab, the Decemberists, MBV, Belle and Sebastian, Animal Collective...


According to my friend from Argentina: Babasonicos, Callejeros, El otro yo, Carajo, Catupecu Machu,...

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Nick at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Indie rock bands???

I'm looking to find some new indie rock bands to listen to. There are so many indie bands and they are usually very different so I'm gonna tell you what I like and please tell ...show more


these are some acts you may enjoy: destroyer tapes n tapes frog eyes fruit bats tv on the radio devotchka...

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PDHSOAAUQECYYXEZTADKTAQT34 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Indie Bands listing!?

i like Mumford and Sons, Ben Howard, Radio Dept, Bon Iver and else so give me a list of a new good Indie bands if not Indie bands it's fine with addition folk/country genre if not ...show more


Bastille Benjamin Francis Leftwich Bombay Bicycle Club Jake Bugg James Vincent McMorrow Local Natives...

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DUNWCBYWYWLDAI3LY6OD4WPERA at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Bands i would like rock,metal,indie?

my 4 fave bands are metallica,guns n roses,nirvana and the view as you can see i have varied tastes of music but i like anything rockish from indie to metal punk to blues etc etc all i want to know is the name of some bands (preferably big bands like...


Heavy Metal Bands Motorhead Iron Maiden Rock Bands Rainbow The Scorpions Whitesnake..

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kylesrfc at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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