What exactly are the benefits of studying abroad?

Let’s learn what exactly are the benefits of studying abroad. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

What are the benefits and the disadvantages of studying abroad in Japan? for college/university?

I have been interested in Japan for a few years. Recently I've been thinking of going to college over there but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go right out of high school, or to wait until after I have completed two years of undergraduate, would it really be such a bad idea to go fresh out of high school? Also I don't want to go only for a semester I would like at least a year or more.


Hi Jasmine, Recently, the government started a new program called Global 30. This program allows foreign...

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Jeannie at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

What are the exact benefits of studying abroad in high school?

Specifically, what are the benefits, if any, of studying abroad during the junior year of high school as far as higher education opportunities? How useful is a study abroad program to a student like me, who is wanting to do everything they can to increase...


There are so many wonderful benefits to studying abroad as a high school student! Studying abroad will...

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Justine Harrington at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the some of the benefits and disadvantages of studying abroad?

I'm a US student, considering either a semester/year abroad, or going to a foreign university instead of a domestic one. I'm especially interested in studying art and education.


Studying abroad is a great way to see the world while learning something on the way. The main issue...

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smart girl at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the risks and benefits of studying abroad?

i live in America [New Jersey] and i have considered leaving the country for college. i think it would be an amazing experience. i got a letter from a school in Switzerland, just like one of those letters that colleges always send Sophomores and Juniors...


I was an exchange student in Thailand, and it was amazing. I am 100% glad I did it. Risks: - Make sure...

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(Laurenn... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the benefits of studying abroad?

22 years old, unmarried, girl, from the most ordinary family, the family circumstances are not so good, want to study abroad, go to have a look the outside world. It is worth?


There are so many great reasons to study abroad. Sampling a brand new culture full of interesting people...

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Gabriela Eugene Barcenas at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the benefits/drawbacks of studying abroad for an American undergrad student in the STEM field?

STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Side Note: If you are/were a STEM student in the US and have NOT studied abroad, why not?  If you have, why so?


Here in Netherlands (and other countries in Europe) it is very common, at least in STEM related studies...

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Ludo Visser at Quora Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are the benefits of studying poetry in high school?

What are the benefits of studying poetry generally? And what are the benefits of studying poetry by specific poets from countries? Our topic is "National identity" and we have to write an essay about why studying poetry is good. I am having...


It will help you become fluid with the English language, help you be smooth with girls and maybe even...

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♥ Me ♥ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Studying abroad benefits?

i want some of the benefits about studying abroad written in point , any help would be most appreciated , thank you so much for your effort.


1. great exposure to different cultures 2. meet people from around the world 3. meet new people 4. experience...

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FAVQZFZDMBBB77HHXIAW34I5JI at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What are benefits of Studying Anthropology ? what is connection of Philosophy and Anthropology ?

i am a Philosophy Hon 1 year student Q1 i want to acquire some knowledge of antrhopology,what are benefits of studying it,how many of you had studied anthropology ? i dont want to make any career in it I am a Great Philosophy lover,so if i will study...


I am studying PPS at uni at the moment, which is Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Anthropology...

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I Love our vast Universe at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo


The benefits are Personal Development, Academic Commitment, Intercultural Development, and Career development...

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Anonymous at ChaCha Mark as irrelevant Undo

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