What version of yahoo messenger do i have?

Let’s learn what version of yahoo messenger do i have. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

I need to know what is the last version of yahoo messenger right now and from where i can got it , my yahoo 7.

my yahoo messenger is 7,0,2,120 and above saying my yahoo model is 6,0,0,600 so please i need to know it's the last version i have and if not from where i can got the last version.. thanks


Get the latest at: http://beta.messenger.yahoo.com/ Should be version

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flyoverd... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

I tried downloading an older version of Yahoo Messenger but all links download the newest version???? Now what

Hey I got a couple answers and was told to go to older version download page but all that does is download the new version .I thought I was downloading version 7 and when it finished ...show more


First remove existing version of Messenger from your p c. oldversion.com or oldapps.com have it. Just...

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ZFFS4YK7V36O6ARF4WPLWCGB3Y at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the best Yahoo messenger version? i am using the latest version but i can't log in... please help?

i want the best Yahoo messenger... I hope u can help me with it... Thanks


lastest version of Y. messenger is also a good one..may be u forgot ur a/c password or your...

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SL7XUW5YRU4GUFWMZMNRZQTL7A at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I had yahoo messenger and it disappeared and i dont know what version i had or how to get it back?

i had yahoo messenger for 2 days my e mail daddyporky@verizon .net i was using it and learning now i dont know how to get it back or WHAT download i used it was free i need it back today could you help


Go here and download it, it's right there. http://messenger.yahoo.com/ it's still free after installing...

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daddypor... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How do I find out what version my Yahoo Messenger is?

I know my Yahoo Messenger is an older version, and I'd like to have the features of the new Messenger. I also need to know how many mg. it will take on my hard drive, if anyone knows.


Sign into messenger on the messenger window at the top to the left click help next select about Yahoo...

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Ginni at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I have old version of yahoo messenger but I can not use for pc-phone, what should I do, please guide me?

I would like to know how could I download new version of yahoo messenger for pc - phone


Install a new version of Yahoo! messenger from : http://messenger.yahoo.com or you can use Trillian...

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H K at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

I downloaded the newest version of yahoo messenger and now it does not work at all. What should I do?

Now I can't send or receive messages and it deleted my address book, but it didn't delete my messenger list. I tried to re-add all of my contacts and I am getting this error message: code:40031 It was fine before I got the latest version, and now it...


email yahoo abut it i bet they can fix it.

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tha_badd... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

No matter what version on yahoo messenger I get it keeps freezing up How do I fix this?

I have tried all the methods yahoo suggested , by deleting cooking and checking browser but everytime I tru to chat on yahoo my IM's freeze I have to constantly reboot to get it to work at all and it only last aboyt 3 minutes and freezes up again.


Do you have Dial-up, or a computer with less than 60GB of space? That could be the problem. Good Luck...

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shelley3... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

What is the lastest version of yahoo messenger for i mac?

We got a new i mac desktop yesterday and cant find the right yahoo messenger to download. We want the latest version with video and voice calling.PLease help and a link would help too.


Yahoo! Messenger for Mac 3.0 BETA System requirement: Mac OS X 10.4 - 10.6    ₪ ...

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Nadia at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

How can I instal free yahoo messenger on vista version . and what do I need for free installation,?

how Can i install free yahoo messenger on Vista for free installation without paying anyfee????


Go to: http://www.download.com/Yahoo-Messenger-for-Vista/3000-2150_4-10837904.html

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pobox312... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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