Why does MSN keep closing down?

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There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Why does my msn keep closing down?

I have Windows Live Messenger, and every time I sign in it comes up with Windows has found an error and needs to close the program down, it will notify you if a solution is available. But it never does notify me and I don't know why it keeps closing. Ive tried reinstalling and installing it again but it still does the same thing and I can't understand why?


Hi, It sounds like you have a virus on you computer that is stopping MSN from working on your computer...

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Sophiiee... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Why do my MSN Conversations keep closing?

I use Windows Live Messenger Beta, and my conversations keep closing after a while, i tried running a virus scan, i tried re-installing msn but this problem still occurs. Does anyone ...show more


Perhaps that is a problem with the beta version of windows live. Try installing the lastest stable version...

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ALODICCCELHO3PXBT6LVFJ6CJM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is MSN closing down (2012)?

Hey people i may have beened fooled but 3 of my friends sent me this email saying msn will close down. Heres the email: This is Tara and John, the directors of MSN. Sorry for the interruption but MSN is closing down. This is because too many inconsiderate...


I got this e-mail once - 3 years ago. It's a joke. Don't do it.

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A Lad From Yorkshire at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is MSN really closing down??? whats the story?

i keep hearing msn is closing! is it true! links would be nice!


NO! THIS IS HOAX ! --------------------------------------... Original hoax mail: "Hey it is Andy...

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BQSXYTQUPTND63VWHNRYJ7RAYU at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Msn messenger not responding ?

my msn messenger isnt responding. just when my friend wanted to send me a picture. it froze. now everytime i open that window,on top next to the name it says : (Not responding) and my mouse turns into one of those timer things. problem is, if i close...


Ask your friend to save the conversation, and have her send it to you.

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Theodora... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

On msn...please help...I have no idea....?

Is it true that MSN is closing down and that they will charge you money every month if you keep your account? Also... I have about 2 other accounts on msn that I made about 1 year ago and I never used them since then so I forgot the username/password...


MSN are most definetly not closing down so dont worry about that. Also about your accounts, they will...

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Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

REPOST- Why do these weird msn addresses keep adding me to msn?

I don't go on msn regularly, but when I do, ill sign in and have a few weird msn addresses requesting to be one of my contacts...what is this? where do they get my email address from? They have weird msn adresses.. I dont accpet them..anyone else have...


When i first got my yahoo, i had people trying to im and what i found out was that they thought i was...

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Bubbly Lucy at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Why do these weird msn addresses keep adding me to msn?

I don't go on msn regularly, but when I do, ill sign in and have a few weird msn addresses requesting to be one of my contacts...what is this? where do they get my email address ...show more


hey ❣do not click on any links sent by those bots❣ ❣when you receive random adds...

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7EZOJN5M3EO64RRCYGZ4FBMQGM at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Are they closing msn??

i got an email from Tara and John (the directors of msn) saying they were closing and that if i didn't send this on they would close my account and make me pay to use msn is this ...show more


it's a spam

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3UMBZMNDRPG2DBJ2QGZQERELC4 at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Is MSN really Closing Down?!?

Email I got: Hey it is Tara and John the directors of MSN, sorry for the interruption but msn is closing down. this is because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all ...show more


it's not true.....i got that message like 8 months ago.i didn't sent it 2 a single person and my msn...

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NOQNNFJ2RSBNDGSUQYMBXYXV5A at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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