What's better, a PC or MAC?

Let’s learn what's better, a PC or MAC. The most accurate or helpful solution is served by Yahoo! Answers.

There are ten answers to this question.

Best solution

Whats better a Mac or a PC?

So I have been thinking about getting a new computer. I have always wanted a laptop but I wanna get a good laptop. I know Macs are really good. They give me one at school and I love it. But the thing is that you cant get on facebook or anything. I have a regular PC and I sorta like it but it runs so slow i've had it about 5 years now. Im looking for a new computer but im not sure if I should sell my computer and get a macbook. Or keep my computer and buy any laptop that ranges from 200-500. What...


The macbook Pro is definitely the one you are looking for. You get: - 500Gb of hdd - Lower price tag...

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bbinikni... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Other solutions

Whats does the mac do better than pc, what does PC do better than Mac?

I know alot of it really depends on the hardware onboard the machine, so my thought process has always been that dollar for dollar you can get more performance out of a PC than a Mac. I only experience crashes when software is more advanced than my computer...


The Mac does absolutely NOTHING better than a PC. The PC does EVERYTHING a Mac can do and more and is...

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anonomam... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats better PC or MAC???????

Whats Better a PC or a Mac and why... What kinds of things can you do on the Mac that you cant do on a PC?? Which one do you think is better..


It really irritates me when misinformed people give out their opinions which aren't in the least bit...

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Proud Momma to Brooklyn at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats better for gaming PC or Mac?

ok i got an option i can get PC or a Mac but im a gamer on pc on my laptop i got skyrim, the sims 3, MW3, and WoW and i cant forget the f2p game TF2 so can i play all of these on a mac or not idc about the price all i want is a computer that will work...


PC. It's been gaming since the beginning and MAC is still in the baby steps of gaming.

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Eduardo Rivas at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats Better Mac Or Pc?

my mac froze less than my 1.73 ghz dell. and the mac was a 333MHz powerbook! and i could do more for video than this, and this has media center 2005. its suppose to be made for video, and music. and it freezes in the prosess. and i have a gig of ram...


better OS? mac leapord, or windows XP/vista? mac is better cuz vista is sh*t. Macs can't have half the...

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lil jigga at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats better Mac or PC?

Im thinking of getting new laptop and i need a good one. Whats better a MAC laptop or a PC laptop and why did you pick that computer? Thanks XDD


PC for the following (Also Note: http://www.powernotebooks.com has top quality computers) PC=Variety...

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Ashleigh at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats is better a pc or a mac and why?

tell me why pc is better or why mac is better


PC is better, here is why... PC=Variety of specs, options, quality, prices, vendors, support Mac=One...

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longhorn... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats a better OS a mac or a pc?

im trying to decide what to get my son for his birthday coming up this next week, im going to surprise him with a laptop, but i dont know which to get, a mac, or a pc, and if a mac ...show more


"Better" is a relative term. Mac OS X is certainly simpler for an inexperienced user. Windows...

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QKB4PRGNJFN3YLQFMKPPIQ3WTQ at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats better for designing stuff mac or pc?

wats better for desigining mac or pc?


Mac is superior for graphics.

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aralerya... at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

Whats better a better laptop, Mac or PC?

i need to get a laptop for college next year and im not sure what i should get. i have never used a Mac before but i here good things about them.


Compatibility problems between Mac and PC are less these days, but they are still there. Realize that...

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greg b at Yahoo! Answers Mark as irrelevant Undo

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